

My doctors did not want to touch my skin cancer because it was too big and they told me that any treatment would cause me to lose my hearing. I started to treat the cancer with Curaderm and in the early stages of treatment I got concerned because it bled.  I continued...


I would sell my house to save my nose anywhere in the world and it costed me next to nothing to remove my cancer virtually in my backyard using Curaderm.


I had a large skin cancer in the crease between my index finger and my thumb that affected the use of my whole right hand. The cancer was growing very fast and was painful. The doctors said surgery was the only way to get rid of this cancer and that several nerves in...


I saw a segment on the Mike Willessee, TV Channel 9 show, how Curaderm cured skin cancers.  I immediately contacted Bill Cham to make an appointment for advice on my skin cancer.  I had a large skin cancer on my left shoulder.  The doctors in Sydney advised me that to...


I saw it on T.V. how Curaderm saved the nose of Iris.  This gave me hope that there was a way that could help me.  I also had a large skin cancer on my nose and the doctors said surgery with skin grafting would be required to remove the cancer.  The doctors could not...